Laura Jarman, Bankueteer
“Once you’ve got the food in your hand, it makes this feeling in your chest. It makes you feel brilliant…makes you feel a bit of hope.”
Food banks give more than food. They give hope.
They bridge the gap between the world we live in and the one we dream of - where no-one goes hungry.
No holiday for hunger
Right now, the UK is in the grips of a food insecurity crisis, with 1.5 million people going without food each and every day. And, unlike many of us, hunger doesn’t take a break over Christmas.
In fact, we’re sadly in peak season for the 2,000+ UK food banks as they work hard to get donations ready for people in crisis over the festive period. And during a year like no other, more people than ever will find themselves having to use a food bank this Christmas.
“We’re already seeing demand increase rapidly, doubling in the first week of November, so we expect Christmas to be really busy with lots of people needing extra support. We need donations nice and early…so please give what you can now.”
Make this Christmas count
So, the need is undeniably clear and you’ve decided you want to play your part to tackle hunger this Christmas. But how to help when you’re either strapped for time, caught up in a UK lockdown or don’t have a clue where your nearest food bank might be? (Or maybe even a combination of all three…)
What if we said that, at a click of a button, we could turn your online donation into food and supplies for people most in need in the community… all without leaving your own home?
Bankuet makes it quick, simple and impactful to support those in crisis this Christmas. We work directly with food banks around the UK to turn generous online contributions into the exact items they need most, delivered at a time most convenient to them. Plus, through the power of bulk buying and Gift Aid, Bankuet is able to provide 10-20% more food than through traditional giving.
A Christmas like no other calls for community, kindness and compassion like never before. Put a smile on someone's face this season and head to to help make sure no one goes hungry this Christmas.
Give Food. Give Hope.
*Name changed for privacy
Put a smile on someone's face this Christmas. Visit to give now.